Inspired by TK's Rock sound: Sxun of Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas (Falilv)


I figured I should cover Sxun. TK fans who showed up in 2020-2022 are not aware of Sxun or really the Falilv connection to TK's work but I think it is time to delve into it.

I was not sure if I should given Sxun, in fact, has left the band but as I was looking at a new single that the band just recently released this year, Fist for the New Era, and was reading through Youtube comments it appears a lot of people agree the band's best work was from the time Sxun was still with the band not that I do not enjoy their work now but some of the stuff with Sxun was their best to date. With a lot of Falilv fans agreeing Let Me Hear is perhaps their #1 best song.

So there is no denying Sxun left a mark when he was with the band.

Therefore me not mentioning him on the TKPG fan forum would be a disservice to him and TK, after all, this is a TK fan website.

See years ago this was when I had just gotten into TK's music in 2014 or 2015 I cannot remember it has been so long I stumbled across a Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas fan blog on Tumblr that translated Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas interviews into English and there on their blog they mentioned that Sxun drew inspiration for his guitar playing from TK (Ling tosite sigure). The reason I was looking into this was that I had gotten into Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas music around that time first with their song, Virtue and Vice and later Let Me Hear. I was just lucky to come across the Falilv fan blog when I did which was deepfriedghost. I say lucky since deepfriedghost on Tumblr is no longer around. The funny thing is around that time like I said I was exploring TK's music further and so naturally I came across his photo blog. He called it his photolog. But it was basically his blog where he shared so much of himself. I loved it. Every moment he shared was wonderful. His complicated relationship with his mom though he did not say outright but even back then I could tell and shocking timestamped before I even knew who he was or Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas for that matter was an entry where he was invited to a music event hosted by Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas where he met Sxun who was with the band at the time. I suspect Sxun met TK for the first time then. I think it must have been huge for him and TK reflected on it fondly.

The connections were crazy to me! To this day. But I need to make it clear I do not just think that Sxun was inspired by TK's guitar playing I also think it was his songwriting. Over the years big Falilv fans mentioned the tempo changes present in Falilv's music which is a familiar characteristic of TK's own songwriting.

While they both belong to very different music scenes TK: J-Rock and Sxun formerly of Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas to the Japanese Metalcore (Japanese Heavy Metal) scene it is impossible to ignore TK's interaction with Metalcore bands over the years. Not only with Falilv but even Tatsuya Amano of Crossfaith. And yes, Crossfaith is a Japanese Metalcore band.

Sources: Tumblr fan blogs like deepfriedghost and callmedianafalilv-others, TK's photolog on his official website

September 25, 2024 1:20 AM
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